lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

The story of the Jack O’Lantern

Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to himself. He didn’t help people for all of his life.
When Jack died, he wasn't allowed into Heaven because he was such a miser: a person who didn’t share his money.
It seems that Jack also had played tricks on the Devil, who didn’t let him into hell, either.
Jack was stuck. He had to walk the earth, holding a lantern, until Judgment Day.
This is the story handed down by the Irish people who went to America in the 1800s. They carved their turnips into the face of "Jack-of-the-lantern" to remind themselves what happened to people who were misers. And in the fall, pumpkins are much easier to find than turnips.
So that's why Americans today carve their pumpkins into Jack O’Lanterns.

Heaven: cielo
To play tricks on somebody: Engañar a alguien
Stuck: atascado
Hand down: transmitir, legar
Carve: tallar
Turnip: nabo
Fall (American English): otoño

Have you ever carved a Jack O'Lantern?
How do you usually celebrate Halloween here? 

30 comentarios:

  1. I´m Juan Carlos

    1.- I never carved a Jack O´Lantern.
    2.- I don´t celebrate Hallowen, in my famiy it isn´t traditional celebrate it

  2. I'm Isabel Burgos (2B)
    1.- I never carved a Jack O'Lanier, but it would be cool.
    2.- I always celebrate halloween since I was seven years old, I think . This halloween I went to Churriana as a zombie.

  3. I´m Alejandro Bermudez Aviñón (3ºA)

    1.- I never carved a Jack O´Lantern.
    2.- I always go with my parents to the centre to dinner and see the people´s costumes. And sometimes i go disguised, like this year, I went disguised as a vampire.

  4. I'm Gloria Valenzuela Cerezo (3ºA)

    1- I never carverd a Jack O'`Lantern.
    2- I usually go to city centre. I usually see the costumes and have dinner. I hardly ever wear a costume because I don't like.

  5. I'm Youcef Atbi Ruiz 3ºA

    1- I never carverd a Jack O'Lantern.
    2- I usually stay at home because I dont like It.

  6. I'm Alejandro Gómez Paniagua (2B)
    1 I never carved a Jack O'Lantern, but I never knew existed
    2 I'm go to the street with my friends and we go to the burger

    1. Hello! Paniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiagua

  7. Nathalia Ferreira Ferreira (1°A) 1-nunca carverd Jack O'lantern. 2-yo desde que nació mi hermana primero celebró su cumpleaños y luego me voy a pedir chuches con amigos ; )

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Nathalia ferreira ferreira (1°A) 2- From the brith of mi sister celebrate her first birthday and the i'ii ask sweets with friends

  11. I'm Evelyn Melania Avilés Rodas 3ºESO "A"
    1.- I never carved a Jack O'Lantem.
    2.- I always go to the centre for see the costumes'people

  12. -I have never carved a Jack O'Lantern, I think it's very ugly.
    -I usually go out this night with my friends and later we sleep together. When I was younger, I wore a costume but now I don't. I celebrate it, but I really hate halloween, I think it's a horrible festival.

    Paula Barrau 3°ESO A

  13. →I never carved a Jack O'Lantern
    →Yes, I always celebrate halloween with my friends. This year we went to the center of Malaga and we disguise the minions.

  14. Hello! I am Jesús Ignacio in the account of my father because my computer is damaged.
    1º I never carved a Jack O'Larntern because I don't buy pumpkin
    2º Yes, I always celebrate halloween. This year I celebrate halloween with my cousins

  15. I'm Alicia Mora Jodar 3°A
    - I never carved Jack O'Lantern
    -I always celebrate Halloween with my friends. We wear costumes and eat a los of special food.

  16. I'm Alicia Mora Jodar 3°A
    - I never carved Jack O'Lantern
    -I always celebrate Halloween with my friends. We wear costumes and eat a los of special food.

  17. I am Samuel Soto from 3 A
    1 I never carved a Jack OLantern
    2 I always meet with my friends , we have dinner in burguer king and then we do something until 1 o´clock

  18. I'm Amal Alghouch Banou 3ºA
    -I never carved Jack O'Lantern
    -I always celebrate Halloween, but in another way; like my friends and me go out to city centre and we see the costume's people but I never wear a costume because I hate these. After we always have dinner in a restaurant together. Finnaly we go to my friends' house and we sleep with them. I love Halloween because I meet with my friends.

  19. I´am Paco Gaitan Aguilar 2ESOB

    1- I never carved a Jack O'Lantern, but I never knew existed.
    2 - I always celebrate halloween since I was seven years old, I think . This halloween I went to Colmenar as a zombie.

  20. Hi! I'm Salva from 4ESO D
    I never carved a halloween pumpking but I like it
    In my family it isn't tradition but I celebrate with my friends

  21. I'm David Siles 4ESOD
    I never carved a Jack O'Lantern
    I don't celebrate with my family , I celebrate with my friends

  22. I'm Pablo Cabello 4 ESO D
    I never carved a Jack O'Lanterm
    I don't celebrate it.

  23. Hi, Im Manuel Morales Ramos 4ºESO D
    1. I have never carved a Jack O' lantern
    2. I dont usually celebrate Halloween

  24. Hi, I'm Alonso Villalón from 4°ESO.
    I found this quite an amusing story. Quite frankly, it's hard to believe that there is someone out there trapped between heaven and hell... Anyway, answering your questions, I have never carved a pumpkin, but I reckon it'd be fun. In Halloween I usually just hang out with friends.

  25. 1. I have never carved a Jack O' lantern
    2. I celebra te halloween with my family, we wear a costumes so cools, to I celebrate halloween with my friends.

  26. Hi I'm Maria Shaima from 4ºESO D
    -I never carved Jack O'Lantern
    -I always celebrate Halloween, my friends and me like going out to city centre and we see the costume's people but I usually wear a costume. Finally I go to my friend's house to sleep or she comes to my house. I love Halloween because I meet with my friends.

  27. I am Victoria Corrionero (3ºA)
    1. I never carved a Jack O´Lantern.
    2. I celebrate Halloween because it is funny but I don´t like much. This year, I went to the city centre with my friends.

