jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Gingerbread cookies are popular baked cookies formed out of gingerbread dough (pasta de pan de jengibre); this cookies are commonly associated with the Christmas holiday, and they are often formed into holiday shapes, gingerbread men or gingerbread houses. Although there are several variations on the recipe, classic gingerbread cookies have a distinct, rich flavor of ginger and cinnamon. This recipe is very easy to follow and delicious!
-          126 gr of brown sugar (azúcar moreno)
-          3/4 teaspoons (cucharaditas) of bicarbonate of soda (bicarbonato sódico)
-          1/2 teaspoons of nutmeg (nuez moscada)
-          180 gr of butter
-          5/6 teaspoons of honey or molasses (miel o melaza)
-          1 egg (huevo)
-          2 teaspoons of cinnamon (canela)
-          400 gr of flour (harina)
-          1/2 teaspoons of salt
-          2 teaspoons of ginger (jengibre)

1.      Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2.      Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt in a bowl. Put the mixture into a blender (batidora), add the butter and honey and blend. Then, mix in the brown sugar.
3.      Beat (batir) the egg and add to the mixture. Put the mixture in the fridge and leave it there for 20 minutes.
4.      Put a small amount of flour on a flat surface (superficie plana). Roll the mixture out (estira la mezcla con un rodillo) on this surface. Roll it out until it is about half a centimeter thick.
5.      Use cutters (cortadores) to cut gingerbread men shapes. If you are an artist, you can just use a knife! Put the gingerbread man on a baking tray (bandeja de horno).
6.      Put the baking tray in the oven and wait for about 12 minutes or until they are golden brown.
7.      Wait 10 minutes before you eat them!


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