The novelty with this application is that you don’t play at home on the sofa, but the hunt for Pokémons and other items goes on in the streets, beaches, parks, stores and restaurants.
Some of these bars have been quick to make the most of this new trend and have replaced their blackboards showing menus and prices with new ones informing that the bar in question is also a Poke Stop, a place that will appear to players on the screens of their phones as they anxiously search for the Poke Balls they need to expand their collection.
What this game also does, though, is to get players out and take them to monuments and museums. These sites are all now on the route that they have to follow to obtain important elements to improve their strategy. The game has encouraged people to go out, walk and interact more socially.
On the other hand, the game may have negative effects too. Many people are hooked and spend too much time on their phones and, besides, playing the app can make you more distracted and you can even suffer an accident.
Adapted from Sur in English
Have you ever played Pokémon Go? Is it fun?
What are your favourite characters?
What is the most strange place where you have come across a Pokémon?
What do you think about this kind of games?
hunt caza
item cosa, objeto
make the most sacar el máximo partido
trend moda
improve mejorar
encourage animar
on the other hand por otro lado
hooked enganchado
besides además
distracted distraído
fun divertido
character personaje
come across encontrarse, toparse con algo
kind tipo, clase