The story of the Jack O’Lantern
Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to
himself. He didn’t help people for all of his life.
When Jack died, he wasn't allowed into Heaven
because he was such a miser: a person who didn’t share his money.
It seems that Jack also had played tricks on the
Devil, who didn’t let him into hell, either.
Jack was stuck.
He had to walk the earth, holding a lantern, until Judgment Day.
This is the story handed
down by the Irish people who went to America in the 1800s. They carved their turnips into the face of "Jack-of-the-lantern" to remind
themselves what happened to people who were misers. And in the fall, pumpkins
are much easier to find than turnips.
So that's why Americans today carve their pumpkins into
Jack O’Lanterns.
To play tricks on
somebody: Engañar a alguien
Stuck: atascado
Hand down: transmitir,
Carve: tallar
Turnip: nabo
Fall (American
English): otoño
Have you ever carved a Jack O'Lantern?
How do you usually celebrate Halloween here?